Well, I was planning on posting an update when Colour Bind’s Kickstarter went live, but I ended up getting distracted by a bunch of social media stuff, and now that I am actually getting around to posting this, it has a different title.
That wasn’t quite what I was expecting. Sprite Lamp hit its goal of 6k around the seven hour mark, which I strongly suspect (but can’t prove) makes it the first official Australian kickstarter to be funded. Sweet! The obvious thing to say is THANK YOU to everyone who pledged, and everyone who helped boost Sprite Lamp by sharing the kickstarter on social media (and in general). Because of you, Sprite Lamp will not only happen, but it will happen in a timely fashion, and most likely it will get a bunch more features and be a higher quality product than it would have otherwise been. Also because of you, I get to buy a new pair of shoes (seriously, my old shoes have holes in them).
With that out of the way, it seems I have some work to do. I had put some vague stretch goals in the Kickstarter, but now I’ve got to make them specific much more quickly than I was expecting. I’ve already had some good suggestions. In accordance with one such suggestion, I’m going to set up some rudimentary forum here for talking about suggested features and the like.
I’m also going to make a series of blog posts here about a variety of graphics techniques that will be applicable to Sprite Lamp. I’m going to cover things like how the shaders work, issues with using normal maps that you might not see coming (like the fact that rotating a normal map in Photoshop results in incorrect normals), and a variety of shadow techniques that exist somewhere along the correct/fake spectrum that might work well in conjunction with Sprite Lamp.
Oh, and don’t forget that I need your precious votes on Steam Greenlight – any help there is much appreciated.
Thanks for all the support, everyone!